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Author Susan diRende reads from her fantasy story, Knife Witch, at the Max10 Performance Arts Lab in Venice California.
Susan diRende reads from her memoir, My Vagabond Year at the opeing of Art Is a Living Thing, a group retrospective of art created by residents of the New Zealand Pacific Studios Artist Residency Centre from 2001-2016 at the Aratoi Museum in Masterton, NZ.
Sometimes a gal on an artist retreat needs to distract herself with a good book.
What the funny?!
Get Ready to Laugh
The newsletter is all female humor. Where to find it. How to make and share it. Humor takes control of someone else's body to make them laugh. It is empowerment so different from thepower of beauty. Humor is power that resides solely and forever in the woman cracking the joke.
Sign up for the newsletter and click on the video links for the lift of XX laughter that is not about porn but all about female power.
Girl Story Erasures - 1
Found a book in a second-hand store here in NZ for girls in the 1970s. Had to mess with the text. This is my first erasure poem ever taken from the first story in the book, Adventure Stories for Girls.
“I go to the canvas or the computer to find what I didn’t know was in me.”