I’m beginning to experiment with ebooks on Kindle for my short stories. There are a lot of reasons for this. Partly, it is financial. Short story publishers can’t pay more than a few dollars these days, and if I sell even 20 short read books online, I make as much as I would from a periodical.

In addition, there is some hope of building and audience over time so that ALL my books sell better. My novels and book-length nonfiction have mostly found homes with reputable publishers. I have gotten many of my short works published too, but the time spent submitting and keeping track and submitting again and again after rejections is just wayyyy tooo much work for the return.

Sure it’s nice to see my stories put forward by someone else. It’s very validating. But none of the publications have resulted in an uptick in my social media following or sales of my books, so I plan to take the reins in my own hands, bit by bit, as I have time.

The Demon’s Debt is the first of what should be many books that I plan to sell myself though online and POD booksellers.
